I am trying to read distinct values from a model field and use the tuple 
list to populate the choices in a Form.  The problem I have is that every 
time a new value is added I must reset the httpd server in order to include 
the new value in the form.  I have researched and tried this a few 
different ways but so far am unable to come up with a better solution. Any 

class Circuitinfotable(models.Model):
    id1 = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, blank=True,null=False,unique
    pathname = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
    segmentname = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
    region = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)

def getList(item_list, keyValue):
    for each in item_list:
    return valueList

def listCreator(field, query):
    newList_query = getList(query, field)
    sorted_newList = sorted(getUnique(newList_query))
    sorted_newList.insert(0, ("", ""))
    return sorted_newList

class CircuitinfotableForm(ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        pathlistQuery = Circuitinfotable.objects.all().values('pathname').
        path_list = listCreator('pathname', pathlistQuery)

        model = Circuitinfotable
        fields = ['circuitid', 'pathname', 'segmentname', 'region']
        widgets = {'circuitid': forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':40}), 
'pathname': forms.Select(choices=path_list), 'segmentname': forms.Select(
                   'region':  forms.Select(choices=region_list)}

I shortened this code to only include some of the relevant fields and code 
for brevity.  Here I created two functions to create a list of tuples for 
pathname from the values I retrieve using a query and pass it to the Select 
widget using choices.

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