
We converted an access system written in VB to a Django app. The pure  
db side and GUI work great. Data is also obtained from control panels  
that have fingerprint readers attached. So I wrote a separate python  
program to 'scan' these control panels (embedded linux based) and  
store it in Django models/postgres tables.

I noticed that I have a memory leak. Tried anything I can think of. I  
stripped out all useful parts (it uses twisted and some other stuff,  
but those are not the problem). The problem is that below small  
(useless) program grows eternally (well in this example until  
i=1000). I do need to refresh the cpl model in the loop every few  
seconds, i.e. using admin or views control panels can be enabled or  
disabled or change IP address, etc.

import gc, mcp.settings
from mcp.Control_Panels.models import ControlPanel

for i in range(1, 1000):
        cpl = list(ControlPanel.objects.all())
        for j in range(1, 1000000):
                j += 1
        if i % 10 == 0:
                print '.'
#               gc.collect()

Normally the delays are natural and are controlled via Twisted (TCP  
and callLater). Above program is stable if I comment out the cpl=list 
(...) statement, otherwise it grows forever.

I run on several Macs (ppc and intel), latest Mac OS, latest svn  
version of Django, Postgres 8.2.0 and psycopg2- We have also  
seen this behavior on FC5.

Has anyone used Django/psycopg in a similar setting? I could try just  
psycopg, not to hard in this example, but less elegant with the real  
set of o2o, m2m and fk models.


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