
I'm trying to decouple a template from a custom app "foo.bar". So only if 
the app "foo.bar" is in INSTALLED_APPS the template will render some extra 
information but if not, the project could still work (e.g. only with 
features provided by "foo" app).

The "extra" content rendered by the app requires loading custom 
templatetags (e.g. {% load foo_bar %}) so I've tried the following approach:

{% if is_installed_foo_bar %}
    {% load foo_bar %}
    Render extra content using custom templatetag:
    {% foobarcustomtemplatetag var1 var2 %}
{% endif %}

FAIL! It doesnt' works because "load" is still parsed although if condition 
evaluates as False.

# package_list is a context variable defined on the view
{% load package_list %}

FAIL! It doesnt' works because load templatetag doesn't accept variable 
only strings.

Any idea? Do you think that code of attempt one should work and it is a 
bug? I'm missing something.

Thanks a lot!


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