> I have an app that is for online test taking. Most online test
> are 30 mins to 2hrs. I need to create count down clock from
> when the test is stared. If 30 mins test, then count down will
> start from 30 mins : 00 Secs, 29 min: 59 secs and so on. How
> do I do this?

In a word:  unreliably.

Common attempts make use of JavaScript and Meta-refresh hacks. 
However, unless you control the browser environment (such as a 
testing lab), these can be readily disabled.  I run FireFox with 
the NoScript and RefreshBlocker plugins, both of which prevent 
unsolicited "push" activity.  Anybody who puts a meta-refresh on 
a page containing form-input should be smacked.  As for scripts, 
nothing prevents a test-taker from using a JS debugger to 
increase the allowed time.

The only way to come close to doing something of the like is to 
track all time on the server side, from the initial page 
delivery.  Once the time on the server surpasses (initial_time + 
time_delta) the server reacts accordingly to submissions.  This 
would be the only Django-related issue for the most part.  In 
this case, clicking on the "begin the test" form button would 
post back to the server, allowing you to create a "test" entry 
containing the current time, and then redirect the resulting page 
to change the POST to GET so that reloads to re-post back the 
test request.


* a person can start the test, have a personal issue (such as a 
restroom break, medical issue, or what have you) and step away 
from the computer without realizing that the timer is still 
ticking.  Or network difficulties (dropped aircard connection, 
back-hoe interruptus, ISP difficulties, FAA requirements for 
turning off wireless devices before takeoff, etc)

* if all your questions are on one page, and they submit the 
whole thing a fraction of a second after the time expires, and 
they get no credit for any of their answers

* if you have a page for each question (preventing the previous 
problem) you then have to take into consideration page-load times 
if, for example, the person is on a slow dialup or aircard 
connection.  If your test is 30 minutes and 5 of those are spent 
transferring pages over a slow connection, is the test-taker 

One's not precluded from using a combination of the above in 
concert, so you can use the server-side stuff, with client-side 
JS that will update a count-down timer in a <div> somewhere, or 
to submit the form when time's up.  Just don't rely on 
functionality that may not be there.

Just a few thoughts for your consideration.


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