A lot of the same arguments against making a standard blog project
could probably be applied to Rails, but here's a blog app in Rails...

I think an open-source Django blog project would be good because
1) It would be Usable to many (as evidenced by this thread and others
2) Useful to many as a reference and resource

#2 is particularly interesting to me because I've written a simple
blog in Django and there are some non-obvious things that having a
reference implementation to look at would be nice.  Things like:

* Feeds (Atom, RSS, both)
* Comments (with spam filters)
* Open-ID enabled comments?
* Grouping blogs and links and whatever other objects by date using
generic relations (possibly?)
* Previewing links that aren't "published" yet, possibly using the
ADMINS option, while returning a 404 for anyone else?
* Writing a script executed by cron to pull content from other sources
and save them to your models.  (I did this for Magnolia recently.)
* etc.

If anyone wants to start one I'd be interesting in joining in and


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