On 7/27/07, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3693 is marked as 'accepted' - does that mean that its changes are in
> trunk?

No - it means that this is a change that we want to make, but haven't
yet. Usually it means that there isn't a patch available, or that the
patch isn't correct. In this case, as Malcolm's comment notes, it
means that the patch can't be applied until FileFields are

FileFields (#3297) is one area that is on my to-do list; I had a
working patch a few weeks back, but I got dragged away from Django by
work, and I lost track of the discussion around the ticket. I hope to
get back to the ticket in the near future.

> Since I'm just starting out with Django, I'm loathe to learn oldforms
> only to have to redo my work when the next release comes out. The CRUD
> generic views seem so useful - I'll be amazed if there's not a working
> newforms solution out there somewhere.

One source to look at is the newforms-admin branch. This branch
contains many form-related changes that haven't made it in to the
trunk yet.

Russ Magee %-)

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