
Blow is a screen paste of server log for a small project I am working
on. I am just printing the httpRequests POST data.

Django version 0.96, using settings 'rsync.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
httpr.POST = <MultiValueDict: {'sitename': ['new site'], 'destloc':
['bingo', 'sefg sdfg'], 'sloc': ['new loc']}>
str(httpr.POST) = <MultiValueDict: {'sitename': ['new site'],
'destloc': ['bingo', 'sefg sdfg'], 'sloc': ['new loc']}>
httpr.POST.values() = ['new site', 'sefg sdfg', 'new loc']
httpr.POST.keys() = ['sitename', 'destloc', 'sloc']
httpr.POST.items() = [('sitename', 'new site'), ('destloc', 'sefg
sdfg'), ('sloc', 'new loc')]
httpr.POST['destloc'][0] = s

I am submitting a form with a multiple select field.
POST['destloc'] should be a list ['bingo', 'sefg sdfg']
instead i get only 'sefg sdfg'.

Is the mistake Django's or mine?

Thank you for your help!


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