hello everyone,

I have a rather "well connected" model like this ( used here: 
http://www.splicemusic.com/contests/ ):

class Contest(models.Model):
     [ snip of regular fields ]

     # the sounds people HAVE to use to enter the contest
     required_sounds = models.ManyToManyField(Sound, null=True,

     # the soungs people HAVE to use to enter the contest
     required_songs = models.ManyToManyField(Song, null=True, blank=True)

     # how they should tag theior sounds to enter the competition
     sound_tag = models.ForeignKey('Tag',

     # how they should tag their song to enter the competition
     song_tag = models.ForeignKey('Tag',

     # the winners of the contes if it's already finished
     winners = models.ManyToManyField(Profile, null=True, blank=True)

     # a forum thread w/ more explanations
     forum_thread = models.ForeignKey(Thread, null=True, blank=True)

As you can see, quite a lot of many-to-many and foreign keys in there 
(and they all point to tables with over 30K entries, so the admin page 
takes about 10 minutes to load). Now, when we try to edit this model in 
the admin the apache instance goes nuts and starts eating ALL the memory 
on the machine: it almost immediately jumps to 1.5GB of RAM and then 
just keeps consuming until the kernell kills the process.

Does anyone have an idea why this could be?? No other models in our 
application show this behaviour (then again, no other model has this 
many connections to the rest of the models)

Editing the model via manage.py shell works just fine.

  - bram

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