ok the solution was

url: "/projects/",
load: function(type, data, evt){ docPane.setContent(data); },
mimetype: "text/html"

sorry ...

> Hello Group,
> I tried to setup a kind of frame architecture with the dojo layout
> container widget.
> The idea is to load the menu (fisheye widget menu) only once and let
> the django page itself load asynchronously into a ContentPane.
> A dojo menu widget loads an url in the content pane like this:
>         function load_app(id){
>                 var docPane = dojo.widget.byId("docpane");
>                 if (id == 6) {
>                         docPane.setUrl("/projects/");
>                 }
>         }
> Projects is an application of my site. The main urls.py includes the
> url of the projects application:
> (r'^projects/', include('mugdisite.apps.projects.urls')),
> The project app urls.py has the following:
> .............
> info_dict = {
>     'queryset': Project.objects.all(),}
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>     (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list',
> dict(info_dict, paginate_by=10)),
> ...........
> The urlpatterns work ok when I enter localhost:8000/projects directly.
> However, in the dojo ContentPane the result is "Error loading '/
> projects/' (200 OK)".
> When I modify the main urls.py to direct to a HTML template directly,
> the inclusion works
> (r'^projects/', 'django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template',
> {'template': 'projects-entry.html'}),
> Do you think it is somehow possible to trick the dojo widget which
> expects a HTML file, I think?
> I am using the django trunk version and dojo 0.4.
> Would be happy for any help.
> Dennis

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