I'm getting 404 errors on day and detail views for date-based generic
views. In addition, the year archive doesn't show any entries, but the
month view does!

Here's my urlconf--is there something I'm missing? (I'm using Python
2.4.4, MySQL, & the dev server on localhost.)

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from datetime import datetime, date
from commonplace.family.models import ZoraPic

def latest_pics():
        return ZoraPic.public_objects.all()[:3]

def year_list():
        return ZoraPic.public_objects.dates('time', 'year').order_by('time')

zora_latest_dict = {
        'extra_context': {
                'latest_pics': latest_pics,
                'year_list': year_list
zora_dict = {
        'queryset': ZoraPic.objects.all(),
        'date_field': 'time',
        'extra_context': {
                'year_list': year_list

urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic',
$', 'date_based.object_detail', dict(zora_dict, slug_field='slug',
month_format='%m', template_name='zora/detail.html')),
'date_based.archive_day', dict(zora_dict, month_format='%m',
        (r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{2})/$', 'date_based.archive_month',
dict(zora_dict, month_format='%m', template_name='zora/month.html')),
        (r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/$', 'date_based.archive_year', dict(zora_dict,
        (r'^$', 'simple.direct_to_template', dict(zora_latest_dict,

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