On 4 Aug 2007, at 11:44 am, Graham Dumpleton wrote:

In your Apache configuration, do you have multiple VirtualHost
definitions for sites under the same parent domain and have a
ServerAlias directive in any which contains a wildcard which would
match a different VirtualHost containers ServerName directive? For

  <VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName www.site.com

  <VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName site.com
  ServerAlias *.site.com

Do the mixing up of pages always relate to the virtual hosts which
contain the ServerAlias and the alternate virtual host the ServerAlias
matches, or are they totally unrelated sites with totally different
domain names?

They all have:

<VirtualHost ip:80>

and none of them have wildcarded domain names.

It has been www.customerdomain1.tld that has appeared on www.customerdomain2.tld


David Reynolds

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