Hi  all,

I am not able to run custom SQL commands and I cannot discover what is
the reason:

1.  My models reside in bizweb/wss/models/  package

2. bizweb.wss application is included in INSTALLED_APPS

3. I use customized settings files: local-settings referring
    common-settings --> I run django-admin with command line
    option --settings=bizweb.local_settings

4.  A model I want to run custom SQL command for is e.g.

5.  I put SQL commands into file bizweb/wss/sql/bizpaymentkind.sql

6. I put backend (MySQL) specific SQL commands into file

And those SQL commands are not executed and If I run sqlcustom command
for wss application, I just see:

(It resembles me my very beginnings with Django, if I reorganized
models into multiple files and I did not know it is neccessary to use
class Meta: app_label='wss'. But currently syncdb and similiar
commands like sqlall work perfectly)

Please, could anybody advice me what I'm doing badly?

Thanks, Peter

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