On Sun, 2007-08-19 at 14:30 -0700, MikeHowarth wrote:
> I'll take a look at that.
> Even commenting that line out and attempting to access self.title I'm
> still getting an attribute error thrown: 'Register' object has no
> attribute 'title'

Doug Ballanc has explained how you should be writing your save() method.
I thought I might just add something about why what you're doing doesn't
seem to work, despite looking like perfectly valid Python code.

The newforms Form class has a specialised __new__ method, which is what
is responsible for attaching attributes to the object you get back from
calling Form(). In the default case (i.e. pretty much always), what this
method does is *not* creating attributes for anything that is a
newforms.fields.Field subclass. Rather, those fields are put into an
attribute called "base_fields" (which is copied to an attribute called
"fields" in __init__).

All this metaclass stuff happens in DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass in
newforms.forms. Replacing the metaclass with something elase to populate
the base_fields leaves open some interesting possibilities about how to
initialise form classes for those with imagination.

This might look very strange and, in a way, it is unusual. When I was
wondering, early on in newforms life, why this was done (I think my
initial mental question was "what was he smoking?"), I realised there
isn't a completely natural thing to store in those attributes. Do they
hold the normalized, cleaned data? The original value? Both, depending
upon whether clean has been called? If the attribute is None, does that
mean we don't have that value? We haven't set it yet? Or that the form's
normalized value is None (possible for some fields)? How would you know
which fields had errors in them and what would prevent you accidentally
accessing those attributes and treating the values as real values?

To some extent, it reduces confusion by not having attributes at all for
fields. Instead, you initialise a form with the raw, submitted data.
Then you access "cleaned_data" or is_valid() or "errors" whenever you
like and the raw data is cleaned and normalized (where possible) and
sent to two dictionaries: Form.cleaned_data and Form.errors.

So, whilst what you were attempting might seem logical on one level,
hopefully I've explained why it could, in many cases, be more confusing
and error-prone than convenient. So the design uses a slightly different
approach from providing access to the form data and errors.

Best wishes,

Borrow from a pessimist - they don't expect it back. 

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