I didn't dig deeper last night because I was "getting things done" and
it was easier to just export the environment and move on.  Looking
harder at the traceback I noticed it was getting hung up on my putting
stuff in the project's __init__.py file which was importing things
from Django.  It looks like a chicken and egg problem if I do that.

"Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  I egged the chicken and
then I ate his leg."  -- Beastie Boys


On 8/28/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The OP isn't talking about Apache but using inbuilt Django server
> using manage.py. :-)
> The OP should really post the full traceback and messages there are
> getting so it can be seen whether they are interpreting it correctly.
> Information in the details may also be helpful to people in working
> out what is wrong.
> Graham

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