On 11 Sep., 10:06, Nicolas Steinmetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep, sorry :
> <http://code.google.com/p/typogrify/>
> <http://www2.jeffcroft.com/sidenotes/2007/may/29/typogrify-easily-prod...>

Ah, see, I knew that one. No, as far as I understand things typogrify
modifies the HTML and CSS in slight ways that are orthogonal to the
problem rendertext is attacking. Rendertext is about getting small
snippets to display in a custom font that the client most likely does
not have installed.

See for instance http://talentnord.dk/ - the red curly headings are
made with rendertext. AFAIK you can only achieve this with either
Flash or images. And if you're going for images, it's much, much
easier with an app to generate the text dynamically than having to
generate them with Photoshop or the GIMP everytime there's a new
heading or a change to an existing.

Hope this helps,

Ole Laursen

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