I installed django yesterday on my Mac and it wasn't that simple. I
got stuck with mysqldb-python problem. I found similar problems on the
mailling list without answers.

I think other mac user will find this helpful so I'll post my solution/
hack (maybe a note on the installation page would be nice too). These
problem are only repported when using python 2.5 and up.

Config :
Mac OS X.4
Python 2.5.1
Mysql 5.0.51

Problem 1. While installing mysqldb-pythohn
The setup script will not find the config_mysql file. So you have to
edit the setup_posix.py file and set de mysql_config.path.
mysql_config.path = "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config"

Problem 2. While starting django
The mysqldb-python has a bug since the last upgrade, 4 months old,
that look for mysql's libraries at the wrong place. The script is
looking for /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql (note the extra mysql).
That folder doesn't exist. Some people on the net suggest to create a
directory and copy the file into it. Well, I prefer just to symlink.
To make it work you'll have to do this :

$ cd /usr/local/mysql/lib
$ sudo ln -s . mysql

Now reinstall mysqldb-python

You're done.


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