Hi Jason,

> Using the models below I'd like to be able to create Querysets such as:
> a = Treatment.objects.filter(total_dose__range=(4000,10000))
> b = a.filter(tumor__patient__gender = 'M')
> Both of the above work, but then I'd like to have an additional filter:
> c = b.filter(tumor__patient__get_followup_length__gt = 5)

This is not possible because get_followup_length is not a field in the
DB table but a model class method and Django doesn't support that
(because it can't build a SQL statement out of this queryset

Here are some alternatives:

Option #1. Add a followup_length field to your Patient model. Rename
the method get_followup_length to compute_followup_length and change
it so that it stores its computed value into the new followup_length

Then, call compute_followup_length() from  delete() and save() methods
in Tumor. In other words, everytime Tumor is changed, its Patient's
followup_length gets computed. You can also achieve this via signals
if you don't want to override Tumor.delete() and Tumor.save(). See:

Option #2. Filter the result set in memory using standard Python:
c = [x for x in b if x.tumor.patient.get_followup_length() > 5]

Note that, if you expect c to have a lot of rows, this will load them
all in memory. And, obviously, c will be a list rather than a

Hope this helps.


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