Hi Jacob,

I had a similar situation. The key points that I wanted were:
1. Still use a normal Django newform that can validate itself etc.
2. Control of HTML remains in the template.

The way I went about it was to:
1. Create a new form, say ManageRegistrationsForm that takes a result-
set of registrations in the constructor and creates a checkbox field
for each registration:

class ManageRegistrationsForm(forms.Form):
    """Manages registrations with checkbox for each"""
    def __init__(self, registrations,*args,**kwargs):

        # Now add a checkbox for each registration
        self.registrations = registrations
        for r in registrations:
            self.fields[str(r.user.id)] = forms.BooleanField(

And then,
2. Define another member function of the form that returns a list of
tuples (input field, registration):

    def get_inputs_with_regos(self):
        """ Returns a list of tuples (input, registration) for the
form """
        from django.newforms.forms import BoundField
        return [
                BoundField(self, self.fields[str(r.user.id)],
            ) for r in self.registrations

And finally, that allows you to do the following in the template:

{% for input, r in form.get_inputs_with_regos %}
        <tr class="{% cycle odd,even %}">
                <td>{{ input }}</td>
                <td>{{ r.user.get_full_name }}</td>
                <td>{{ r.user.email }}</td>
                <td>{{ r.user.get_profile.mobile_number }}</td>

And you can then add your normal form clean methods etc. for your form

Hope that helps.

On Oct 18, 4:52 am, jacoberg2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I am trying to create a checkbox form so that the user can delete a
> large number of
> registrations at once. I am wondering how I should set up the view in
> order to deal with
> the incoming data. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help i can get.
> Jacob

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