  I have a form that accepts some data. If the data is invalid, the
server side validation should detect this, redirect to the original
url and display error messages.

  I have got this working but the problem is that I had to pollute the
request.sessions object with a lot of error  messages as that is the
only way the redirected page has access to the error messages. (I
don't want to use render_to_response etc as the url shows up
differently) e.g.

if request.method == 'POST':
      flight_search_form = FlightSearchForm(request.POST)
      if not flight_search_form.is_valid():

         if flight_search_form.errors.has_key('departureSrc'):
            request.session['departureSrc_errorMsg'] =
         if flight_search_form.errors.has_key('departureDst'):
            request.session['departureDst_errorMsg'] =

         return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

I have a lot of fields on the main form and I think dumping all these
error messages into a session variable is pretty lame. I read up about
Messages, but they can be used only for authorized users not
anonymous, as per the docs.

Any elegant way to transmit error messages on a redirect?


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