On 11/2/07, Goutham D L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Iam having a problem in querying.
> i have a string called search_by which stores the name of one of my
> models.
> I want to call search_by.objects.all()
> But it is giving an error since search_by is a string and cannot be
> directly concatenated.
> Can someone help me get the query right?

The way I found to do this when I was starting out:

from django.db.models import get_model
model = get_model('my_app_name', model_name_string)

Then I can do model.objects().whatever...

I found get_model by looking at the Django code, not in the documentation.
I was a little concerned about using it and relying on undocumented Django
internals but when I posted here querying if my use was legit (or if there
was a better way) the feedback I got was that it was probably OK.  That's
how the core Django code transforms a string into a model object so it's not
likely to disappear.


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