I'm writing a simple ajax form and I'm having trouble JSON-encoding
the result of Model.validate(). I always get an error similar to
"'This field is required.' cannot be JSON-encoded"

To verify the posted data i populate the model I intend to save and
call validate(). If there are any errors I want to JSON-encode them
and send them back to the client, like this:

obj = MyModel(name = request.POST.get('name', False), email =
request.POST.get('name', False))
validation_errors = obj.validate()
if len(validation_errors) > 0:
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(validation_errors),

I've been searching around and I found that the result of
Model.validate() contains some objects of type instance that for some
reason cannot be JSON-encoded.

I find this all very strange, shouldn't the result of validate()
contain string key-pairs? JSON-encoding this should be

Anyone has encountered this problem or could lend me a hand on this?

Thank you!

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