On Oct 6, 11:20 pm, Trey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are other people that have brought this up a little bit some
> time ago. I run a small to medium sized web application that takes
> profile pictures. By far my largest customer service issue is people
> not being able to upload their photos.
> For the most part I have played it down as their connection sucking or
> perhaps doing something stupid with the browser, but there are a
> couple of things that I am running into that are causing an issue.
> 1. I can't replicate this, no matter what I do with my browser in the
> middle of an upload.
> 2. Judging by the django code near the problem, this is working on
> information that has already been received.
> 3. I get this a few times a day at least, different people every time.
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/core/handlers/
> modpython.py", line 120, in _get_raw_post_data
>     self._raw_post_data = self._req.read()
> IOError: Client read error (Timeout?)

We're seeing this too, on several Django sites.  Annoyingly, as well,
the IOError exception itself is broken; if you look at the docs,
IOErrors (which are a form of EnvironmentErrors) should have a two- or
three-tuple .args, one of which would be the errno, but the ones
thrown by mod_python/Django seems to have only one item in the tuple;
the string you see above.

It's particularly annoying since we'd like to treat this as an info/
debug-level error, not an error-level error, and we could if we just
had access to the errno.  (We're trying to silence non-errors so we
can do proper monitoring.)


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