I have @login_required decorator for the view function that handles
this form and I am already logged in.
I commented out the "def clean" from the form and when I submit the
form field reason without a value, I get this error:

Exception Type:         ValueError
Exception Value:        The view django.contrib.auth.decorators._checklogin
didn't return an HttpResponse object.

C:\python\lib\site-packages\django\core\handlers\base.py in

  92. # Complain if the view returned None (a common error).
  93. if response is None:
  94. try:
  95. view_name = callback.func_name # If it's a function
  96. except AttributeError:
  97. view_name = callback.__class__.__name__ + '.__call__' # If it's
a class

  98. raise ValueError, "The view %s.%s didn't return an HttpResponse
object." % (callback.__module__, view_name) ...

 100. return response
 101. except http.Http404, e:
 102. if settings.DEBUG:
 103. from django.views import debug
 104. return debug.technical_404_response(request, e)

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