Hey All,

I have an app that has quite a few models in it, so I am trying to split
it out into a package, but when I do the models do not show up in the
admin interface and running 'manage.py sqlall app' does not show any SQL
statements for creating the tables.

Is there a trick to doing this?

The steps that I took are:
 $ mkdir app/models
 $ touch app/models/__init__.py
 $ mv app/models.py app/models/isp.py

From my views I can do 'from project.app.models.isp import ISP' and it
all works, but it would seem that any of the django tools can't see
them. I'm not so much worried about the admin app, but manage.py not
being able to create the tables or permission is a problem.

According to James Bennett on his blog at http://tinyurl.com/3d39p4 this
should work?

I'm running SVN r6566.

Any ideas?


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