
I have one project let say P,
In this project i define several applications, APP1, APP2, APP3

In INSTALLED_APPS of my settings i add those application with full
("P.APP1", "P.APP2", etc.)

and all was working fine. (Admin interface and front end).

After i wrote a middleware class for APP2, i put it in midllewares.py
on APP2 directory.
so i have:
    middlewares.py -> MyMiddleware

i add then this class to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in settings.py, using the
full path.
so i have:


But with this APP2 doesn't appear in Admin Interface (but still work
fine ( as it should) in the front end ).
APP1, APP2 still appear in admin interface but not APP2.

I tried to trace the problem, and finally found that if i remove the
project name from the middleware class, APP2 appear in the admin
have something like this:

it very strange, i think it is a problem with models import (not
really sure), and  I wasn't able to go further.

I use mod_python, and django development version.

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