I have some test code written like,

def testDashBoard(self):
        c = Client()
        print c.login(username = 'Shabda', password= 'shabda')
        response = c.get('/dashboard/')
        print response.headers['X-View']

This is giving me error

ERROR: testDashBoard (prajact.project.tests.TestUrls)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "G:\prajact\project\tests.py", line 822, in testDashBoard
    print response.headers['X-View']
AttributeError: 'HttpResponse' object has no attribute 'headers'

But according to the documentation c.get must return objects of type
reponse, and not HttpReponse. What am I doing wrong?

Also I want the test client to follow the HttpReponseRedirects, so
that I can see the actual view which the user will see, but the test
client does not do this by default. How can I do this?
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