
you can make a function like this:

In [19]: def show_sql(query):
   ....:     clauses = query._get_sql_clause()
   ....:     return 'SELECT %s %s' % (', '.join(clauses[0]),

In [21]: show_sql(Page.objects.all())
Out[21]: 'SELECT "main_page"."id", "main_page"."title",
"main_page"."slug", "main_page"."content"  FROM "main_page" ORDER BY
"main_page"."id" ASC'

On Mar 27, 3:01 pm, qwerty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want so see the SQL that the Django ORM is executing behind the
> scenes. I know that SQLObject has this but I wanted to see if there is
> some similar functionality in Django. Is it?
> Thanks,
> Angel
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