> - Make PhpBB Use the django auth
This is probably the way to go.

>I have not the slightest clue on where to start

There is no "magic" in the django database. It is just a vanilla MySQL/
PostgreSQL database with vanilla tables. The table you are interested
in is auth_users. The only required fields are username and password.
django/contrib/auth/models.py is the file to study.

The password is stored as either an MD5 or SHA1 digest with a prefix
indicating which algorithm  + '$' +  a "salt" which further randomizes
the value + '$'.  Older Django DBs used only MD5, so if you don't see
a $ in the password, then it's MD5 with no salt.

E.g. sha1$4dd23$4f9d9e3eb5dfebae1c2337e3c26842daf5f1cad1

SHA1 is the method, 4dd23 is the salt and
4f9d9e3eb5dfebae1c2337e3c26842daf5f1cad1 is the hash.

Look at get_hexdigest (in the same file) for more specific info.

It should be fairly straightforward to access and check this from your
PHP code.


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