Hi everyone,

I have Events and Occurrences of an Event. Occurrence contains a
foreign_key for the Event.
In my template, I need to display the Event and Occurrences as such:

Event Title One
    June 1, 2008 [times]
    July 23, 2008 [times]

Event Title Two
    August 25, 2008 [times]
    September 1, 2008 [times]

But, I only want to display dates that are greater than, or equal to
today. In my view, I am selecting Events as such:

events_list =

Here's my template code:
    {% for event in events_list %}
        <li>{{ event.title }}
              {% for occurrence in event.occurrence_set.all %}
                          {{ occurrence.date }}
              {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

Which is showing ALL of the occurrences, not just the ones with a date
greater than today. Given the sample data set above, it shouldn't
display the event for June. Can someone please help me out with this?
I'd really appreciate some advice.

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