Alessandro wrote:
I need to include some django output in other web pages. The problem
is that Sometimes I cannot use server side includes on the other side,
and I don't know how to do.

I thought maybe some javascript or ajax to include with a <script> in
the destination page, but how can I do it?

Must I write a javascript with document.write on the django side or
can I import the html output directly with a javascript and a browser
side include?

Do you have any examples?
I have used the django template system to generate web pages independent of a django project.

First I created a that only has the TEMPLATE_DIRS setting.
Next, I created my template.
Last, I created a cgi script that loads and renders my template. I used a more generic python CGI module to handle post data.

If you don't want to use the django template system exclusively, consider using an iframe for a "browser side include".


Jeff Anderson

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