On Aug 21, 4:42 pm, Brandon Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a column, 'position', which is a PositiveIntegerField, to allow
> my end-user to order records with. I would like to pre-populate the
> field when creating a new record, with the count of the model objects
> + 1.
> The models documentation says 'default' can be a value or a callable,
> but using self.objects.count() + 1 doesn't work, because 'self' hasn't
> been defined.
> Can anyone point me to an example of how I can accomplish this?
> TIA,
> Brandon

'self.objects.count() + 1' isn't a callable, it's an expression, which
you can't use here. (A callable is a function object, or a class with
__call__ defined.)
However, unfortunately even a callable probably wouldn't help you
here, as the implementation calls it without any parameters. It's
really just for things like inserting the current time, which doesn't
need parameters. See 

You can achieve what you want by overwriting save() on the model:

def save(self):
    if not self.position:
        self.position = self.objects.count() + 1
    super(YourClassName, self).save()

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