Rename views.py to (say) views_base.py

Create a new views.py file, with code like this:

import os.path
import views_base

def test(request):
    if os.path.isfile(__file__ + '1'):
    return views_base.test(request)

def tables(request, table_name=None, cur_page=1):
    if os.path.isfile(__file__ + '1'):
    return views_base.tables(request, table_name, cur_page)


Idea is straightforward:

functions test, tables etc are from views_base.py (former views.py);
if exists dummy file views.py1, which existence is a sign of changes
made in views_base.py, then reload the whole thing

Just put this dummy empty file views.py1 into the dir of views.py
(if at the time you need no AutoReload just delete or rename it).

Now you can edit your views_base.py and see the changes in action,
without restarting Web Server (except of args of defs(request, args).

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