According to the Python Coding Guidelines you should always put the
imports at the top of a file simply because it makes the file more
readable. Performance-wise there are AFAIK some small
speed-ramifications (negative ones) when putting imports into a
function instead of having them at the module level. My guess would
be, that this has something to do with the compile-time vs. runtime
issue, not to mention that the import-statement isn't really free. On
the other hand memory usage should be lower if you only import
something if it's really needed (say: inside of a view-function). I
haven't really run any benchmarks, though.

You might want to take a look at :-)

- Horst

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 3:06 PM, 7timesTom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a large number of view functions which require various python,
> django and other import statements.
> My question is: is it ok to put ALL my import statements at the top of
> and then not have to worry about which view fuction uses
> what. Or must I put my imports within the view fuctions that require
> them?
> Does it depend on how many functions require I certain import? And if
> so, how many imports justifies a global import at the top of the code?
> I'm interested on the effect this decision has on speed/memory usage
> etc.
> >

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