I have a very simple "watchlist" app which allows people to keep an
eye on their favorite bits of content on the site... forum topics,
cars, articles, etc. Not much to it--it simply stores the object and
who's watching it:

class Watch(models.Model):
    subscriber = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name="Subscriber")
    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey()
    object_id = models.IntegerField('object ID')

I've had several requests for email notifications when a watched item
changes/is updated.
Initially I thought of django-notification, but I'm having trouble
getting it running. It appears in its current state of development it
requires on-site notifications (useless to me) and atomformat??? So
I'm not sure if that's the way to go, or if I should just maybe send a
signal on save from the model(s) they can watch, loop through the
Watch items that match, and fire off an email to each subscriber.

I'm concerned about scalability, too. Some of these watched items,
like forum topics, can see a lot of changes.


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