On Oct 30, 10:13 pm, Alex G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, DR.
> How would I use the generic relationship without the backward link?
> I have the normal auth.user class, and I have the my.user class that
> extends it and has a polymorphic link pointing at auth.user.  The
> problem occurs when I collect a login/password, because I can't lookup
> my.user without the backward link, that is I can't
> my.user.filter(account__username = x, account__password = y) because
> polymorphic links don't allow this.  I also can't move in reverse, the
> auth.user.authenticate(username, password) function returns an
> auth.user, and I am unclear as to how I would get a my.user from this
> information without calling for my.user.objects.all() and comparing
> the link (which seems terribly, terribly inefficient...).  Is there a
> way to start with the target (auth.user) and get to my.user backward
> via the contenttype?

Something like (where 'dj_user' is the instance of

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