On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:01 PM, Naitik Shah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:58 PM, Graham Dumpleton <
>> In respect of having nginx in front, one of the over benefits of that
>> was that nginx could have been quite selective about the URLs that it
>> was proxying. That way if you get a SPAM bot or similar hitting the
>> site, it could have been blocked at nginx without even going through
>> to Apache/mod_wsgi, presuming that such a bot was hitting known URLs
>> for security holes in PHP packages or the like. One may also have been
>> able to filter SPAM bot traffic at nginx level through user agent or
>> other things. Thus, nginx could have further been used as a filter
>> point to limit traffic going through to Apache.
> That's interesting. I wonder if Apache could be made to reject such
> requests. I like the current simple setup - I want to avoid adding Nginx to
> the mix :)

I looked into this approach a bit, and it seems there's more benefits - the
one that stood out is that slow clients will first be handled by Nginx, and
the request will only be handed off to Apache after Nginx is done receiving
it. Thus, holding the Apache process for less amount of time. I'll look into
this in more detail once I have the Apache setup working as I like.


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