I want to create a form for a large object that has numerous non-
mandatory fields. I am still learning django, and am missing something
easy I hope. All the examples and docs I see say to redirect after the
form is posted and saved to the db (in my case). What I want is to
leave the form up after the initial post, and allow a user to say, add
3 more field entries and re-save, etc. This is to handle a use case of
when they are working on some data entry, want to save a partially
done page, and then either leave it up and continue at their leisure
or also come back and choose the object again and fill some more of
the info in (I guess those are really 2 use cases!).

This is a fairly common way of doing things in many of the business
sites I have worked on, but I cannot find much discussion on it or
documentation regarding it. Can anyone point me at some examples of
this type of usage or suggest an alternative. I am starting to wonder
if I am trying to bend the framework the wrong way, and maybe I need
to rethink my design.

Thanks for any feedback or help. It will be greatly appreciated. This
is an amazing framework but it is taking me a while to learn some of
the ins and outs. Must be from all those years of MS web programming
that have clouded my brain!


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