On Sun, 2008-11-16 at 04:39 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Malcolm,
> thanks for the fast response. I had thought about both approaches, but
> both didn't feel 100% right (more a gut feeling than anything).

Then you're going to have provide more information about what would
"feel right", since both those approaches are technically valid and
common to boot. The second one is basically the canonical way to do it
for the REST style of architecture. The exact form of the URL is a
design issue -- it doesn't have to use a querystring, after all -- but
the naming of a resource to do conditional data display is standard.

Since you've nixed the two standard ways to do this, aren't you rapidly
running out of choices? You don't want to store the information in the
session (which is the only really transient way to move data between
requests that doesn't go via the URL) and you don't want to create a new
identifiable URL for the new resource. It seems like we're reduced to
using The Force to convey the information at that point. That's not
supported in Python yet.


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