
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 4:13 AM, Malcolm Tredinnick

> You can't do what you're trying to do in that fashion (using
> ManyToManyField to an abstract base class). Many-to-many and foreign-key
> relations are relations between one table to another table, not to many
> other tables. They model the database's idea of relations. That's why
> they aren't allowed to be declared for abstract models (which aren't
> really models at all).
> You could, however, model this using an intermediate table with generic
> relations, which allows links to multiple types of remote models through
> a content-type field. You won't be able to use anything like "through",
> but that's really just a kind of syntactic sugar anyway. You can write
> the same sorts of queries referring to the intermediate model
> explicitly.

As I'm concerned by the same problem (refering by a ForeignKey to an
abstract class) and don't want to make my abstract class concrete, I'm
interested in the solution you talk about.
Can you explain me more what do you think about, I don't really
understand how I can do that?

Thanks in advance.

Eric Veiras Galisson

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