I'm passing a dictionary of values that look something like this:

{'name1':[field1, field2, field3], 'name2':[field4, field5,field6]..}

Each key is a simple string and each value is a list of form fields.

I should be able to do something like this in the template to render
{% for key, value_list in my_dict %}
    {{ key }}
    {% for item in value_list %}
        {{ item }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

or similar.

When I do this I get something weird. I only get the first letter of
the key (so 'n' for my sample keys above) and for each item above
(remember each item represents a form field and should just render as
an HTML field/widget/etc) I get only the first letter of the label of
the form field.

I've tried it many different ways and I'm stymied.

Has anyone seen anything like this?

Thank you!


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