On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 5:30 PM, ppdo <ppdo2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I tried to monitor the interface using WireShark and the communication
> just hangs during a data transfer: Apache is just acknowledging the
> receipt of some packets and then just seems to hang. The suspicious
> bit is a fairly long series of http RST about 20ms before the server
> hangs. Though I'm not knowledgeable enough on http, to me this clearly
> points in the direction of an Apache problem, though I'm not sure if
> and how it can be solved.

I don't know what an http RST is.  Do you mean TCP RST?  You see a long
series of TCP resets?  That would indicate a problem.  Which machine sends
them?  If you put a formatted trace somewhere I could see it I might be able
to do some diagnosis, but it sounds like you may have a pretty low-level
network problem going on.


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