I think the issue I have is that I seem to need to maintain "state".
Let me use a contrived example.

Suppose I have three tabs:  books-tab, music-tab, and video-tab.  When
I click on books-tab, I get a subnav bar with three subnav tabs:
"books about animals", "books about video", "books about places".  And
similarly, when I click on music-tab I get 3 different subnav tabs:
music-1, music-2, music-3.  When I click on books-tab, I want books-
tab to darken.  When I then clock on "books about video", I want books-
tab to stay dark and books about video"  to also darken.  It seems
that when I use css, when I go to the "books about video" html page, I
must "remember" to set a special id that makes books-tab darken.   It
seems that the html for "books about video" has to know it is being
called on behalf of the books tab, which seems inflexible. For
example, say I wanted to create a "books about video" under video-tab,
the html for "books about video" needs to now set a different id in
order to darken the video tab instead of the books tab.  Basically,
the html for "books about video" needs to know which tab it is being
invoked by - this seems bad.

I haven't had a chance to look at your links below in any detail, but
do you think they address this?  Does javascript or jquery or yui
address this issue in a way that is significantly different from css?
I know I have to start looking into those tools so I at least
understand what they provide.

And secondly, what about creating dynamic tabs?  Ie, if the usr is
going to click on something that ends up creating a new tab, how can
css address this at all?  I mean, in the css one needs to up front
have knowledge of the ids that cause the tabs to darken.  If each tab
has its own id and you are creating them dynamically, it seems like
the static nature of css just can't deal with this.

On Jan 8, 8:29 am, "Ariel Mauricio Nunez Gomez"
<ingenieroar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Margie, I agree the current metod for adding new tabs in Pinax is kind of
> cumbersome.
> I also think ther is no need for javascript for that kind of simle stuff
> (i.e. This would be an 
> overkillhttp://blog.evaria.com/wp-content/themes/blogvaria/jquery/index-multi...)
> Perhaps you may want to search for more 'css menu' examples, I think you can
> getaway with just using two classes 'selected' and 'normal'
> Like this guys 
> do:http://www.3point7designs.com/blog/2007/12/22/advanced-css-menu-trick/http://www.3point7designs.com/keyword-optimization/michigan-seo.html
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