DragonSlayre wrote:
> On Jan 27, 4:11 pm, Steve Holden <holden...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> DragonSlayre wrote:
>>> On Jan 27, 3:15 pm, Steve Holden <holden...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> DragonSlayre wrote:
>>> How do you do this?
>> http://www.swc.scipy.org/lec/shell02.html
>> regards
>>  Steve
> WOW, that explains it all...  Looks about as good as every other thing
> that I've read on the net.
> Ok, so I do a set | less - hey.... there's no Environment variable
> with PYTHON in it. - who cares though right - now I know how to use
> grep... yay!!
> This is what F**ks me off with most of the developers out there - so
> vague in documentation (if it exists).
> I know you are probably just trying to help Steve, but if you know how
> to do this, is it so hard just to say how?  It's very frustrating to
> spend hours and hours trying to find out how to do something so
> simple, and still have no answer.  Personally - I wish there was a
> radio button that I could select to switch between python versions,
> but unfortunately, a radio button just isn't as superior as a
> terminal.
> The link provided looks like a great reference, but unfortunately it's
> like giving someone a toolkit and expecting them to build a house from
> it.
I'm sorry if you found that reference confusing. This indicates that you
may need to climb the computing curve a little further before you can
expect to get the most from Django. It is after all primarily a
programmer's framework.

[sigh] In essence, the PATH shell environment variable in most
Linux/UNIX shells today is a colon-separated list of directories. When
you issue a command the shell performs various substitutions (filename,
shell variable, history, alias, and so on) and ends up with a list of
tokens. Usually the tokens are separated by spaces, though you can
change this behavior by setting specific environment variables.

If the first token contains any slashes it's interpreted as the path to
the program to be executed (relative to the current direct directory,
unless it starts with a slash in which case it's an absolute path).
Otherwise the shell looks for a file of that name in each of the
directories on the PATH until it either finds it or exhausts the PATH.

So let's say you have python 2.5 installed as /usr/bin/python and 2.6
installed as /usr/local/bin/python. When you type "python ..." at the
command line, which of those is executed depends on the order of the
directories in the PATH.

There's more, but that's the scoop. Hope this helps.


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