Here's some food for thought on the subject of HTML 4.01 in Django (as
it's been discussed a lot before):

James Bennet brought up the HTML4 argument on the Django developers
list some time ago:

and later blogged about why he chose HTML4 for his personal blog:

> I have not suggested such thing though. From a brief look at the source
> code, it appeared to me that it would be easy to create a setting that
> specifies whether to include the slash or not, and based on that setting
> write either " />" or ">" at the end of input tags (and <br>).

This has been written some time ago and shot down by Jacob:

In the comment of the wontfix change he mentions he'd support a
template filter for this, along the lines of what django-html is doing

I personally believe, if Django should choose only one doctype as its
default, it should choose HTML 4.01 and provide a filter for XHTML.
But I think I'm in the minority on that.  :)

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