On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 20:52 -0800, Alexiski wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a difficulty related to me being new to Django/Python I
> assume, so I hope you can forgive my ignorance and help me out :)
> I have 4 tables - User(overriding the user object), Copy, Query,
> QueryClassification. The main tables are Copy and Query. There can be
> many Queries for each Copy, so...
> Query has:
> copy = models.ForeignKey(Copy)
> classification = models.ManyToManyField(QueryClassification)
> Copy has:
> user = models.ForeignKey(User)
> Basically it isn't displaying any of the fields from Query or
> QueryClassification and I'm not quite sure how to reference the other
> foreign tables in reference to a one-to-many field. Clearly I can
> iterate through the Copy items, but I can't get it to print the
> multiple Query items next to the appropriate Copy items.

Given a Copy instance, obj, you can access the related Query instances
(in a template) as obj.query.all. So iterate over that to get all the
instances you're after.


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