I have been looking around at the forum and how people have been
serving their images, but i can't seem to find exactly what i need.

I am trying to create a site that produces a slideshow of graph plots
in the form of images, so there is a very high volume of pictures that
need to be served. So the most efficient method is to let apache take
care of serving the images. The problem I am having is that the place
i am setting up the site already has a couple of locations. For


and i want to add

as a location and not a virtual host.

I had the following set up:

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName www.meerkat.sr.unh.edu
DocumentRoot /var/www/realtime/plotsite/utils/media/
Alias /site_media/ "/var/www/realtime/plotsite/utils/media/"

<Directory "/var/www/realtime/plotsite/utils/media/">
Allow from all
Options all

<Location "/plotsite">
   SetHandler python-program
   PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
   SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE plotsite.settings
   PythonOption django.root /plotsite
   PythonDebug On
   PythonPath "['/var/www/realtime']+sys.path"

<Location "/site_media">
  SetHandler None

<LocationMatch "\.(js|jpg|gif|css|png)$">
   SetHandler None

and it made the plotsite work fine, but it was removing access to the
ganglia and yin_grades urls, so I'm wondering if i can serve the
images using apache without creating a virtual host for my django
project. If any one can help that would be great, thanks in advance
for your time.


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