Sorry, it looks like I had a wrong assumption in my original question. The 
server seems to hang as soon as I try to update a model with an URLField that 
is set to 'http://localhost:8000' (this is where the built-in webserver is 

Is this a bug or can't Django validate an URLField to its own webserver?

Please forget, what I've written in the original post.


Subject: Admin hangs while updating a modified, repopulated model
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 09:54:31 +0000


I have a strange problem while editing a modified model in the admin. Whenever 
I change my models I usually issue the following commands to change the model 
and repopulate my data:

# ./ dumpdata --indent=4 redir > old_data.json
-> do the model changes
# ./ reset redir
# ./ syncdb
# ./ loaddata  old_data.json

Then, when I try to edit a model that has been changed in this process (f.e. 
added a db field), the admin hangs as soon as I submit save and the whole 
Django builtin webserver becomes unresponsive. Even restarting the webserver 
does not resolve this problem. It's definitely no browser problem since I 
tested it with different browser types. It's no database problem since issuing 
the query in the db shell works without any problems.

Btw, I'm using Django 1.0.2 installed from macports (on Mac, obviously), the db 
backend is a PostgreSQL 8.2 database.

Anyone ever experienced a similar problem? Any hints what the problem could be 
(I'm quite clueless atm)?

Thanks for any hints/comments.

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