Hi all,

I'm trying to access a list of users in forms.py I'm creating two
lists and merging them in my view (new_bug) then passing them through
when i create the form. I was going off answers on these two existing

You can see my current code here:

So i'm creating the list of users fine (all_users), passing them to
the __init__ method, I can access them and print them out fine.

My issue is where i'm trying to build the form and get it to display
in the template nothing appears, i.e none of the form fields appear,
but i don't get any error messages. If i move all of the fields out of
the __init__ method then they display in the template, but the
'assigned_to' field can't access the 'all_users' variable from the
__init__ method.

I guess it comes down to me not fully understanding how to access the
information in the __init__ method and still have the form be built
with all the fields.

Any advice would be great, or if you need me to clarify anything give
me a shout.


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