Hi all,

Following the instructions on in http://geodjango.org/docs/install.html,
i managed to get to "Creating a Spatial Database Template" section.

But when trying to execute the line below (as postgres user of
$ psql -d template_postgis -f `pg_config --sharedir`/lwpostgis.sql

it complained that it cannot find "liblwgeom".

I found the lwpostgis.sql under directory:
which does not look very right. I examined the file and it has:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION histogram2d_in(cstring)
        RETURNS histogram2d
        AS '$libdir/liblwgeom', 'lwhistogram2d_in'
        LANGUAGE 'C' IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- WITH (isstrict);

$libdir shell variable is ''. I located the liblwgeom.so which is
refered in the sql file here:

When I tried to run the sql command above on the template_postgis db,
fixing the paths manually, I get:

ERROR:  could not load library "/usr/local/pgsql_saved_0804141532/lib/
liblwgeom.so": dlopen(/usr/local/pgsql_saved_0804141532/lib/
liblwgeom.so, 10): no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /usr/local/pgsql_saved_0804141532/lib/liblwgeom.so: mach-o, but wrong

Can it be that a conflicting version already existed and caused
problems? Or what?

I took the "build from source" path as instructed in the install
documentation. I am using PostgreSQL 8.2 / PostGIS 1.3.5 on Mac OS X
Leopard (10.5.6)

Thanks for any help.


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