On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 23:09 -0500, Karen Tracey wrote:
> You want to use the transaction commit/rollback routines, not cursor
> ones:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/transactions/

I did not know about this. 

>         I think that the cursor should rollback if there is an error
>         and then
>         throw the exception. Thats a more reasonable behavior than
>         what we
>         have right now.
> Except rollback isn't the only option, from what I read.  Though I
> have never experimented with it, apparently your code could also
> choose to commit the transaction at this point.  Your code is the only
> code with enough context to know whether what's been done so far
> should be committed anyway despite the error or if the error should
> cause the whole thing to be rolled back.  

I agree with you that a user code can best determine whether to roll
back or commit. However, I think this is not reflected in the
documentation for the models at all.


My understanding is that updates/insert/delete to database models are
handled as auto-commit transactions (each model query is itself a
transaction). However, in case of a failure, django gives me a bad state
of the database. And my rest of the code fails if I do not explicitly
handle the transaction commit/rollover. This seems really problematic
for the programmer.

If a single query fails, then what does commit mean. Shouldn't we do
just rollover as commit has no meaning?


> Karen

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